A collection of paranormal, horror and fantasy short stories woven around old legends, odd characters, the occasional werewolf and the darkness within, some of which have been published or picked up the odd award.
There are things you cannot see unless they want to be seen, and some legends linger on despite the modern world.
A Gift in the Dark is a compilation of short works, many based around old myths and legends, and starts with a tale of a miner's descent into madness, history and legend, drifts through darkness, past a retelling of Red Riding Hood, up a crane, and along to the end of the world.
A collection of my ideas. While most could have been cared for and nurtured until they grew into fully fledged books, they have only matured halfway, creating a efficient way to get stuck in your head.
I'll also post short stories that I may or may not try turning into novels.
From "The Kid is Hot Tonight," a story about such topics as high school parties and domestic abuse.
To "Just Another Nightmare," a story about a kind of hell you might never have thought of.
This collection will likely make you question if something is wrong with me. Spoiler alert; there is. It will also show you the farthest reaches of the world and the furthest horrors that I can write about.
If you want an update on how the next story is coming along, you can ask me however you want. Seriously I'm so so lonely...