This is a SpideyPool fanfic. I decided to create this with a sort of supernatural, Beauty and the Beast, kind of spin off. I hope you guys like it.
In the distant country of Marshwood, there is a ritual preformed every seventeen years to stave off an evil that no being is able to defeat.
It lives on an island called Deadpool, and kills for those it deems worthy enough to pay for his services. Surrounded by riches, it only longs for one thing, someone to share it with.
This amazing immortal beast of old lore offers the country its protection, if, and only if, they would send their newest adults to his abandoned and worn looking castle to be chosen from.
The only problem is, that every seventeen years, he is only surprised by the stupidity of those sent. They never amaze him, pushing him to give up and just kill them all.
That is until a young man named Peter Parker catches and claims our lonely beast's eye.
To be honest, Peter is... plain in most people's eyes, though he has many exs of his own.
He has no 'real talents', save for rare arachnid abilities, being a journalist, scientist, & creator of new innovations that set his futuristic country on another level.
His life has no real value, after the last person he called family died. His aunt May was his lifeline, his reason to go on...
With her death, he died too.
Not many would willingly go to the beast, but one desperate night in the cold, Peter decides that death by beast is better than firsthand suicide.
He is determined to die, but when he turns seventeen and learns of the town's compromise, he gladly heads over to the place of his death with others his age.
The beast, our sad, misunderstood beast, sees this man, and feels the aching inside of Peter's soul. He resides himself to knowing that he'd do anything for this unknown man. It wasn't just for his body, but because they both want to give up.
In the end, death is inevitable, but can our Beast save his Beauty from death's cold hands?
"Anyway, you're staying here tonight. No arguments. You need rest, and I need a binge-watching partner."
"I really should-"
"Nope!" Wade cuts him off, wagging a finger. "You're staying, Spidey. Doctor's orders. And by doctor, I mean me, because I'm awesome."
•Spidey and Deadpool get closer and closer on every mission...will their identities interfere with the close bond they're forming with each other?
-DISCLAIMER: This spideypool isn't based off MCU, it's based off comics.
This means deadpool is in his 30s (in this story 30) and spider-man is older than 20!!! (I made him 24 here)
•English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistake!
enjoy 💕