ALL RULES HERE PLEASE READ!!! this is a book for me and my friends Tomo, Shakie, Slender's Daughter(her name is secrete due to the fact of our really life names) this is a book for me and my friends as well as making new friends everyone is equal here. Do not discriminate others on Race religion skin color or gender. This is where everyone can come to have fun and RP with everyone. If someone asks to join an RP with you and or a friend please at least consider adding them to the RP. If it must come to the point or which you cannot allow the person to RP with you at least try starting a new conversation in which you and your friend or just yourself and the other person can RP with one another again remember this is only for people who are willing to make new friends as well as meet old ones here and our Pew together I do not want to see anyone discriminating or another person like I said there will be no discrimination against others with different race religion gender or color of skin. I would like to see other people getting along just as well. But if someone is making you feel uncomfortable please report it to me immediately and private messages or on and RP comment on mine what you mean my friends will handle the situation in the best way possible I do not wish to see anyone in trouble but I will take authority to at least reported to Wattpad in which in which they will be reported and will be tooken off or be spoken to by Wattpad officials. So remember when you get out there have fun and make new friends as well as meet old ones and RP together it will be so fun remember keep it clean guys unless you are in the area in which smut will be taking part.All Rights Reserved