Imagine a world that was under attack. A threat that cant be contained as easily as a normal one could, a threat that can kill you but also keep you alive.
A threat that puts the whole world in agony. And no, it is not Miley Cyrus. (I just realsied how many hate mail im going to get for that one :P )
Anyway this threat doesnt take prisoners or gives you hope its going to leave you and your family alone. The only thing we can do about this threat is to kill it, and stay alive while doing so.
My name is A Person. Yep im going all secretive about this for personal reasons. Lets just say before this i was a Star Wars, Walking Dead, Couldnt Get A Date If I was The Last Person On Earth, kind of geek.
But now..... Man! I really wanted to say that i turned into like a super Caption America, i really do but im the same geek. Just smarter, and not to mention more likely to survive this thing.
But i didnt want to be the only one. So this is why ive written this little book, helping you to sort of..... get a head start agaist everyone else.