THIS DOSEN'T APPLY ANYMORE - Idk what to put here but heres a late night though i had before making this: Nice suburban town with medium houses. Perfect life. Small high school, all main character but mainly Kinsley. Colorful houses, almost fake world. You know. Head to school. Blah Blah Blah. BOOM ZOMBIES. Blah blah blah, Kinsley faints. Niamh's foot gets eaten by Seraphina. Normal things. THEN BOOM MORE ZOMBIES. SCAVANGE FOR MILITARY STUFF. KINSLEY ALMOST COMMMITS SUICIDE. Makena loses a finger to a zombie "oh no" says Niamh (also Seraphina gets excluded after eating Niamh's foot). THEY FIND SERAPHINA'S PHONE IN THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE WHOOOOO. Somehow contact's military. Wait on rooftop. Whoo help. Kinsley bled out cause she WEAK. They tired and get air lifted. BUT THEN SERAPHINA IS ALMOST A ZOMBIES AND IS LIKE SIKE AND GRABS TRINITY. Trinity is like oh no. They fall into the hoard and probably die. The rest are like, "oh no" but go into the heli copter. Then TRINITY GRABS IT AND WHOO. But she got bit dang it. They kick her out the heli and she leaves it on a funny note something like "see ya on the other side" BUT SHE EATS NIAMH'S OTHER FOOT BEFORE SHE JUMPS.All Rights Reserved