Skyler Grayson just witnessed her parent's murder on her 18th birthday. She's found sitting in their blood by a man who calls himself Dr. White. She goes with him to god knows where but it's better then being at home. She has a grammar impairment and she acts like a little kid. She keeps her sentences short and her emotions and actions shorter. She hears a voice telling her that she should be asleep, but she's not scared. Not even after seeing their glowing red eyes. She wants to be his friend! And maybe be friends with his friends too! That would be nice... And they could help her with her... Condition... Skyler hasn't seen them since the.. accident but she still wants too. She's almost 21 now and her birthday is tomorrow. Did they forget about her? Or is this the cost of her condition? ^^^^^Please note that there will be cursing, gruesome parts, some parts that I can't describe, and a whole lot of depression voices in Skyler's head. This is a read medical problem, if you are depressed, please tell a parent or trusted adult to take you to a counselor. My mother took me and I'm a whole lot better!^^^^^ $}&% HeLlO. I'm ErRoR aNd I wAnT tO tHaNk YoU fOr ReAdInG tHiS bOoK. I aM tHe DaRk SiDe Of YoUr BeLoVeD sTaR aNd I wRiTe ThE gRaPhIc AnD iNsAnE pArTs So YoU mIgHt FiNd An AuThOr'S nOtE wRiTtEn LiKe ThIs To WaRn YoU iF yOu HaVe WeAk StOmaChS! Oh! OnE mOrE tHiNg... I S E E Y O U !All Rights Reserved