Not many people know that Denis is a trained helicopter & airplane pilot since 1996. His interest in the aviation sector increased with time, and in 1997, he founded Heli Vincent Inc. - A company that now specializes in sales and leasing of helicopter and airplanes in Quebec, Alberta and BC. Denis serves as the president of the enterprise and takes an active part in major decisions and operations. When he is not busy working on his projects, he spends time enjoying his journeys in Canada and beyond. With over 14,000 TT, he remains a passionate flyer and takes his friends and family along.
Like many other successful entrepreneurs of the world, Denis has been falsely framed in some allegations. When asked about these rumors, he often admits candidly that his work will speak for itself. Besides work, Denis is also involved in charity and works with many known local organizations for varied causes. He has strongly supported organizations working for underprivileged children in the past and has plans to do more at a personal level soon. Known to many as entrepreneur Vincent, he has managed to surprise everyone, including his competitors. More than profits and money, Denis believes in making a better world, for which he has unique ways to give back to the society.