Nowadays diseases are a lot more common, such as depression. living through depression Is very difficult especially if it's a curse that is almost incurable. Because depression is such a common disease now, it's often joked about, misused, and misunderstood because no one understands really. Depression is a horrible curse and you can see it and feel it and it can physically hurt you, but no one else can see it besides you. Many won't believe it, but spirits often cause younger children to get it first, one young child will make a mistake... if the mistake is terrible enough then the spirits will lure the children into "feeling better" which is when they are cursed. they will forget how to feel and they will soon separate from you cause they are not allowed to age any older then when they were cursed. In the future, if you ever wanted to die for some reason, your child ghost can come back and kill you, But you will wake up in the morning fine again. The spirits feed off your suffering. All the pain you don't feel only makes them stronger, all the pain you cause yourself only feeds them.
But.. is there a cure? Is there a way to make them leave? That, I can not tell you.
You figure it out.