1. In the captivating tale of Shane and Kristoff, a young and inexperienced Shane embarks on his very first job. Little did he know that fate would introduce him to Kristoff, his inaugural client. As the night unfolds, sparks begin to fly between the two, and a sizzling chemistry ignites after their enchanting date.
2. Prepare to be swept away by the heartfelt story of Blain, an escort who unexpectedly finds love in the arms of his client, Milo. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, Blain wonders if their connection can withstand the unconventional nature of their relationship. Will love conquer all as they navigate the intricate dance between an escort and his client?
3. Dio and the young lord.
Dio, driven by his desire to secure a spot on the coveted blue rose exclusive list, sought out a contract that held the promise of a substantial payday. Little did he know that this contract would lead him to a peculiar encounter with a young lord from a completely different realm.