An aspiring Broadway actress, and former prostitute, lives in an apartment in the city with her abusive boyfriend, wannabe rock star, Harry Styles. When her career takes off suddenly, Harry is left angry and alone. Ready to prove the real reason behind his girlfriend landing the role of her dreams. Story Sample; "But most importantly, you can apologize to my heart. It's in pain from stopping every time you walk into the room. I know they say actions speak louder than words," he was persuading me into something, but I couldn't figure out what. Before I could question him, he began speaking again, "And that young souls can't fall in love but we've always defied the odds and gone against everything our elders ever forced into our minds in hope we'd turn out somewhat sane. So, maybe, you could tell me everything you know about yourself and ask me things that make me question everything I know about myself. All I need to give you everything you could never imagine is a simple apology," and there was something about the way Harry spoke. I know we were drunk off our minds, but I felt that these words were in all honesty true. Maybe he had been hiding this under his heart all along or maybe it was just the alcohol making his tongue move, I'll never know. The only thing I am absolutely sure of is that in that moment I wanted Harry to give me everything I could never imagine like he said he would, "I'm sorry," I uttered.