This story is about this girl named Jennifer she is 35 years old and she is married to Ryan he is 41 years old. when Jennifer and Ryan were in the car to pick up their two children and her friend Jessica, Melanie and Brady from Citrus Middle School Jennifer turned on the radio and she heard the police say all parents and unauthorized guests on Citrus Middle School campus Jennifer started to worry because she thought her children were in danger and they were. Brady all of a sudden her the intercom and the person over the intercom said all parents need to evacuate Jennifer started to worry even more. after they told all parents to evacuate school campus Jennifer went into the front office while the front doors were still open to see what the holdup was the receptionist said there was a shooting so Jennifer broke down on her knees balling thinking that her children got injured. the nurse called the receptionist to have news broke down to Jennifer the receptionist said that Jessica had gotten shot in the shoulder and that the nurse couldn't help the wound because the nurse did not have the right surgical equipment Jennifer started crying even more. the intercom came back on and Jennifer was hoping the person over the intercom was going to say the lockdown is now over the coast is clear instead of that I can't the police over the intercom said unfortunately nobody can come or leave the school campus because we have to wait patiently look for the other police to say the coast is clear. when the lockdown was over all them went to the Florida Hospital to get Jessica taken care ofAll Rights Reserved