ALL CHARACTERS AND SETTINGS AND IDEAS EXCEPT FOR CARINA BELONG TO JK ROWLING!! Cover picture: Just so you know, this is the sequel to my other story, "Sirius's Sister," so if you haven't read it yet, I suggest you read that one first. You don't have to though, I think the story will still make sense if you haven't. Carina Black was finally out of Azkaban after her long, nine-year sentence. She was excited to be back in the real world again, and especially to take care of her godson, Harry Potter. The Dursleys were quite happy to let him go, so that wasn't a problem. What was a problem was that Carina wasn't trusted. She was constantly under the watchful eye of the Ministry of magic, and if she broke even one law, she would be sent straight back to Azkaban. When a problem with one of Voldemort's old followers arises, Carina may have to bend the rules a bit and break a few laws while avoiding being caught by the Ministry. Can she do it?All Rights Reserved