This amazing story of mine is based on the text messages me and Sarencia/@Masters_bad_girl have.
This amazing story is based on the multiple RPs me and Gi-gi have with our RPCs.
Gg: Which is a lot!
Me: I'm not finished! ANYWHO, each chapter-
Gg: You mean anyWHORE
Me: -_-
Gg: What?
Me: AnyWHO, each chapter will be a different part of a different rp. Like one is Roommates then two is revenge of the strippers and three is Grimm and Lavania-
Gg: And so on and so forth.
Me: Shush woman!
Gg: But you're done!
Me: I didn't say that outro yet!
Gg: I'll say mine then. Peace, love, and masturbation!
Me: Don't eat purple snow!