This is a story about waiting. You can call me inpatient but I do not like waiting more than I have to. Don't get me wrong I know life isn't a fast lane without having to wait at some point.
I hate when you go into a supermarket and you are doing your shopping you come to the front to pay for your items and guess what there's only one register open. Why I ask myself, I never understood when you go into a supermarket and it clearly looks pack,pack enough to have more than one register open. Then to wait to the line is down the aisle then ill take the next customer on two.. Dummy if you would of been there while the line was getting longer people like me won't be upset about waiting.
Then you have customers that waits till the last item is scan to get their money ,card however they are paying. Common Sense people. Have your things out ready to pay. Now that you are ready to pay, the customer is spilting her bill. Here we go the extra waiting. Wait until she pays out so the line can get to moving. At this point I have exhausted all my waiting energy that I leave the store. They say people from the Big Apple have no patience. Well from reading this what are your thoughts.