Imagine feeling that you don't belong. No matter what you do, you're only a shadow. A nobody. Nobody wants you. The feeling of tears flowing down your face when the people that you saved over and over again tell you that you are worthless, tell you that you will never belong. Imagine the feeling of utter hopelessness. Knowing that your friends will die and suffer, yet you can't do anything about it. The feeling of screaming in pain during the dead of night. The way you watch, but can't do anything. Imagine feeling betrayal and guilt. Seeing your friends and family dying and suffering, knowing that you could've saved them, only if you were better. The feeling of your fatal flaw being used against you. Watching with an emotionless facade as someone you trust so much betrayed you. The pain in the heart growing, gnawing at your life. The wanting of suicide. The feeling of slowly dying on the inside, until you finally fall dead. That's what three heroes feel all the time. They are broken. They've been used too many times as a pawn. They've been tossed aside like a broken toy when they are not needed. But they are a family. They are loyal to each other. They made a strong bond that seemed to never be able to break. But you can't win a war against the Fates.All Rights Reserved