Rules: 1.If you encounter a person don't talk to them they usually turn out evil or try to trick you. 2. If you find yourself in a room of clocks leave immediately, clocks can trap you. 3. You can go where ever you want but up is better than down. 4. Light things and light colors tend to be better than dark things and dark colors. 5.If you become trapped in a room, you have to try and wake up or you will be trapped in the trance forever. 6.They say if you die in the game, you die in real life. 7. If you see a man in a suit who makes you feel uneasy, you should end the game immediately. 8. In an emergency where you can't wake up the guide must shake you roughly until you wake up. *WARNING THIS STORY CONTAINS GORE AND DEATH YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED* Also apologizes for any mistakes for I wrote this while really freaking hyper XPAll Rights Reserved