My name is Raegan. I live in a small town and I live with all my family. My brother, my sister, and my parents. Our house is pretty hectic at times. But thank goodness for the internet, my stress reliever and my other life. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, you know all the social networks, I'm on all day and all night. Something when I got my first phone turned me towards the internet life and I like it a lot better than in real life. Not a lot of bullies, people that you don't even know treat you better than in real life, and then lastly there are way cuter guys online than in school/real world. I think my favorite social network is YouTube because I found people that are truly inspirational to others, including me, and thousands of other internet lives. My favorite youtuber is Jc Caylen. Yes, the one from o2l. The perfect one, in my opinion.
Elizabeth Olsen, one of the new professors at the highschool. She's a beautiful and intelligent woman in her mid thirties. She's a strict and cold woman in class.
Isabel Reyes, one of the popular girls in school. Confident and with a curious mind, outgoing and never one to back away from a challenge. However her older sister's death destroyed her, she missed her first year of high-school and had to repeat it.
Teacher x student
18 years difference