49 parts Complete MatureIn this captivating muggle alternate universe, the lives of Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter intertwine within the halls of their secondary school. From the very first day of year 7, a fierce competition emerges between the two, sparking a riveting rivalry that permeates every aspect of their lives.
Both Draco and Harry possess an insatiable thirst for success, consistently vying to outshine one another academically and socially. With razor-sharp wit and relentless determination, they push each other to the limits, casting aside any notions of camaraderie. Their encounters are marked by sharp exchanges, sly smirks, and thunderous clashes, captivating the attention of those within their peer group.
Yet, the tides of fate begin to shift in their first year of college, year 12, as destiny weaves its magical web. Circumstances align to bring Draco and Harry together, united by a shared goal - a revision project that demands cooperative effort.
Their journey, fuelled by ambition and desire, leads them on a transformative path of self-discovery, as they unlock the raw power of love within a world of competitive shadows.
This fic contains sensitive themes including: sexual Assault, Death of a loved one, Suicide, Self-Harm, mental health issues, body shaming, eating disorders and the mistreating of mental health patients.
Disclaimer: Please take care of yourself while reading and make sure to prioritise your well-being. If any of these topics are too triggering for you, it's important to prioritise your mental health and consider if this fic is the right choice for you.