The story takes place between Solange Kable and Harry Styles. (we call her Ange or Angie for short. Honestly, what mother names their daughter Solange?)
It was probably the way they met that forced them to get to know each other. I guess that formed a connection that no-one could really ever understood and that put a wedge between her relationship with Drew.
So that ended.
And eventually, things with Harry did too.
He could finally have her, but he ran away.
After some time, Harry eventually came home, but not home to Angie.
Just to linger about, dangling himself in front of her face.
Sharing the same group of friends forced them to be around each other.
On the outside, she'd moved on from Harry.
But on the inside, she knew better.
As Harry tries to weasel his way back in,
will she make the right choices?
I'd say it's all just a part of the game we so blindly call "love".
But there's more too it than that.