Kellie and Bram Kallada always knew they were Half-Galra. Bram had the ears to prove it. Kellie, the eyes. Both had Galra forms with the ability to walk on all fours. Their mother was a human, their father was a Galra, a Blade of Marmora member to be exact. When Kellie is ten and Bram is eight, the Galra Empire comes for their family. To keep her brother safe, Kellie leads the soldiers away, but is caught in the process.
Kellie is taken to the Arena, and is put into the Team Fights with three other female hybrids, Snow Bird, Phantom Night, and Moonbeam. Together, thanks to Kellie's blade skills, using the dagger her father gave her, and her Galra form, they become the Champion Team, undefeated in the ring. One night, eight long years later, 18 year old Kellie meets a man named Takashi Shirogane, who escapes and gives her hope that one day, they all will be free once again, and Zarkon will be no more.
Kellie, her friends, Bram, and the storyline belong to me.
Voltron and it's characters belong to its creators
This is a Shidge tale, don't hate me.
The Galra want to take down Voltron, and the way to do that, take away the thing the Black Paladin loves the most. The Green Paladin, they kidnap her, then torture her. Katie manages to bond with her lion so much, that she can control it with her mind, so she dose this to escape. However, she gets shot down before she gets away.
She crashes on a forest planet, with no technology for her to repurpose. She will be stranded there trying to keep the Galra from her damaged lion, will Voltron force be able to save her? Or will her injuries finally kill her?
Pudge is 18
Shiro is 20
Keith is 18
Lance 18
Lena 17
Cathy 17
Jessie 17
Hunk 18
Matt 20
Allura 19
Coran 140