Skitzo's: The Stories of the Peninskie-Hernandez Families.
My Name is Kenny Hernandez. If there is one thing I hold dear in my heart its my Family. My biological siblings, Michael, Davie, Louie, Shay and Leo have all passed away. As for the people in my life whom I call family, we live in constant fear of losing each other.
My new family, a group of friends who knew my siblings, cared for them and loved them. Rae, Skittles, Jacoby and Vick as well as others. We've had difficult lives, suffered many losses. But we've had good times too.
The one thing we agree on is that time is running out. The constant fear of losing those I love, or having them lose me, is something we all share. The fear of leaving this earth without having touched those around us rips us all apart from the inside.
That's is why I am going to share our stories. Our lives, our laughs, our losses. I want someone to look at our lessons, see our mistakes and move forward.
If even one person can smile or learn from this, then it was worth the effort.