This story is about a 14 year old girl named Debbie who was born cursed with insanity. So Debbie became a creepypasta. And Debbie is known as Insanity Mayor Debbie because her body is cursed with insanity. Insanity Mayor Debbie loves children so she kidnaps them. And she kills their parents so the parents won't call the police when their children are missing. Debbie has a twin named Adventure Avery and another version of Avery is Avery The Killer. (Adventure Avery and Avery The Killer was created by my twin sister Avery Young) Debbie went to a random house to kidnap a little girl. Debbie killed the little girl's parents. Debbie was about to kidnap the little girl but the little girl was awake and walked in her parents's bedroom asking Debbie Why are her parents not moving Then Debbie took the little girl back to her room and Debbie sat in the chair beside the little girl's bed they both talked. But when Avery was outside the house trying to find Debbie, Debbie didn't get a chance to kidnap the little girl. Later Debbie, Avery, and the Creepypastas went to Freddy Fazbare's pizza to have fun. Then when they got back to the Creepypasta mansion, Debbie hered a knock on the door. Debbie answered the door and the little girl was there. Then Debbie adopted the little girl as her little sister. Then the little girl had the best time of her life with Insanity Mayor Debbie. Need more information about the story? Then read the story to find out more.All Rights Reserved