A girl named Mezame Nagareboshi graduates for Entiti Academy, and is granted the title, "Jinsei". She begins her journey on Earth, in search for the person that she must coexist with. After finding a young boy named Tobuke Suzume, she follows him into his apartment. As an entity, she is in the state of Absent Perception, in which human beings cannot see her unless she makes physical contact with them. Entering his room, Tobuke sets his bag down and begins to lay on the bed... the one place the Mezame was just sitting on. Freaking out and trying to avoid contact, her attempt to keep herself covered was back fired, and a red hair and blue eyed girl appears with her hand grabbing Tobuke's clothes.
*This is a project all on it's own, and is meant for your enjoyment. It may not be all that you expect it to be, but at least take a look and see if it's of your interest.
This story will be rewritten somewhere in the far future, so if you happened to enjoy this or feel like this isn't really interesting you, then look forward to the rewritten story of it. Perhaps that might be better.
Elliot Jensen and Elliot Fintry have a lot in common. They share the same name, the same house, the same school, oh and they hate each other but, as they will quickly learn, there is a fine line between love and hate.