This is a sequel to the first roleplay Powerful. Open for anyone!!!
"We are the Brave. We are the Strong. We are the Special. We are the Powerful."
- Michael Winters
All over the world there are people with special powers, special abilities. And their numbers are decreasing rapidly. Michael Winters and the rest of the Safe Haven gang are back with a solution.
Now, in complete solitude, somewhere in the Himalayas, lies the undetectable Marvella Institution. Where they focus on keeping special people safe from the outside world.
But there is no such thing as safety, and they know it now. There is an undergoing training procedure for certain jobs at the Marvella Institution. Guards, cooks, teachers, and especially soldiers.
One day, the Eidikós Research Co-operation (the ERC) will be back. It's not a matter of if, but when.