16 parts Ongoing A meteor strikes Earth, causing unprecedented devastation and wiping out a third of the world's population. But unlike other apocalyptic tales, the world does not descend into chaos; instead, it flourishes. The strange elements within the meteor emit vast amounts of radiation, saturating the planet. This radiation, instead of being deadly, transforms the world, causing a boom in vegetation and revitalizing the natural world.
For Eryn, this new world is both awe-inspiring and terrifying. The radiation has gifted some individuals with extraordinary abilities, allowing them to manipulate the transformed elements, bending them to their will in ways that appear magical to those untouched. Eryn, one of the gifted, takes on a task that comes with great risk while struggling to understand her place in this evolving world.
However, not everyone views the radiation as a blessing. A subdivision of the global government, created in secret, is determined to "fix" the planet by reversing the effects on humanity, stripping those with powers of their abilities. Eryn soon finds herself caught between two worlds: one that celebrates the newfound gifts and another that seeks to abuse and suppress them. As she faces this growing threat, she must decide whether to embrace her powers or risk losing everything to a world that fears the very thing that saved it.