Mark, Jack, Ethan,Bob,Wade and Felix go to a so call haunted mansion to record a video for fun, But what happens if the mansion is haunted!? what if it's a demon that wants to play a game of hide and seek with them? but here's the fun part...who ever the demon finds first he gets to possess them! sounds fun right!? will u like to join them on this game? (Sneek peeks...) Felix- FUCK U DEMON! Mark- I don't want to lose control or my friends.... Ethan- holy fuck... J-jack? M-mark? B-bob? F-felix?! W-wade!? Bob- I'm out of here!!!! Wait what about them? Wade- I would leave but I don't want anyone left behind.... Jack- I can't let anyone die! If the demons going to take anyone it will be me!All Rights Reserved