Alecia Louise George finds herself living a dream together with her stepmother, step sister, helpers and her biological father. However, she didn't establish a good relationship with her father due to the death of her biological mother, Maria Luciana Gabriella George. I'm afraid, her father hated her for the death of her mom. As she goes through every journey, challenges and difficulties in life, she'll meet the man who'll help her find herself and who'll help her succeed in all her goals in life. The more they spend time together, the more they'll find themselves, slowly falling in love.
Will this love be the start of a good relationship towards Alecia's father or will it just make things go a lot more complicated? Will they be together forever? or will their love for each other be the cause of someone else's misery?
As you go over the story, you will find the answers to your unexplainable questions....
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