The survival of a civilization. The Ring of Fire
4 chapitres Terminé My dear warm-hearted reader,
Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime!? All you need is a drop of courage, and the adrenaline will get you right in the middle of this adventure. In my story, no one feels SAFE, and life has a single purpose: SURVIVAL!
The beginning reveals a titanic fight between two kings of nature - the King of the Dry Land and the King of the Seas. One fights in order to cross the seas and augment his territories, the other one want his turbid waters to invade the land. And because they are equally powerful, the line of war is almost always at the shore. A balance that prevents their advancement on the enemy territory.
Until one day when the "Legend of the Four Sons" disrupts this balance, and the Kingdom of the Seas invades mercilessly the Kingdom of the Dry Land, breaking it into a number of islands; over time, only four pieces of land are left amidst the seas; on them - four port-towns: Isbynorr, Narzomand, Salgornu, and Zendovir. On the other hand, the Kingdom of the Dry Land sends its explorers to cross the endless seas in search of other territories. Even so, nature seems to be unfair; it has some gifts for some and almost nothing for others...
Everything is an adventure, and each event, each character will enchant your eyes. They hope to survive! Do you have any HOPE for something GREAT? Do you feel SAFE? You can answer these questions on your own! QUENCH your curiosity RIGHT NOW! Arrrrrrrgh!