1818, London. Robert Walton, son of the landed gentry, is now living in the East End; where he spends every moment trying to improve his knowledge, and that trip to the Arctic is but a distant dream. Victor Frankenstein is newly arrived, having traversed the globe in pursuit of his creation. Nobody knows what happened at Ingolstadt, and perhaps they never will, since the details have become hazy to the scientist himself and he cannot bear speaking of it. Robert Walton always wanted a friend possessed of eyes that would reply to his own, and that is exactly what he finds in Victor, however; in a world of family secrets, obscured nature, grand balls, few persons of sense and much sensibility; who can say where this will lead him?
Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton slash. Based on Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein (1831 edition). This is my first fanfiction and I welcome your feedback!