Carter Rose King, of 19 years, graduated from secondary school in London while her little brother, Collin, and little sister, Catie, are both still in school. She works in a beautiful restaurant, owned by a close family friend, Bobby, as a waitress, and sometimes singing for the background music in the evenings, and even co-owns the business, taking her parents' place.
With her parents gone, Carter has to live by herself with her siblings, with just Bobby to help. She has to learn to run a family. Now, with her responsibilities as a parent, Carter has made the brave decision to not continue her schooling. After the hard three months of the family's great loss, the lives of the Kings have just gotten back on track.
But, when she runs into two teenage heart throbs, her world is turned upside down once again.
With her responsibilities as a mother/guardian and learning how to help own a booming business, she doesn't know how she can handle anything else on her plate; nonetheless, a relationship with the charming boy from One Direction.
With the help of her best friend, Tempy, she learns how to balance her new life. She gets her priorities in check and takes care of her siblings as if they were her own children.
With the struggle of loss and grief, the complications of raising a young seven-year-old, and the pressure of work, will she be able to handle the stress? Will this charming boy step up to the plate and help her care for her young siblings?
Copyright 2013. All Rights Reserved.
*Rated PG-13 for strong language only.*
Chloe chambers isn't like the rest of the girls in the town of Mullingar. There is something different and unique that only a few families know about, and she is a part of this 'secret'. a few months before her 18th birthday is when Chloe begins to feel strange and not right. one morning she awakes to find her family gone and in their place a boy who says he is there to take care of her and teach her new abilities. he is sent by her family to watch over her while they go into hiding, but from what? Some of the families don't agree with how the Chambers family is handling Chloe becoming into what they all already are. I would love if you would message me or comment on a chapter! :) thanks