In Hampton Academy everyones average. Well as average as rich, royal kids can get. Advanced Calculus is boring and the cafeteria serves Mac and Cheese once a week. But at the end of the 3rd Corridor in room 507, its about as un-average as you'll find and the adventure begins when the school bell rings. [][][][][][][][][] "Wise Old Owl lived in an oak; the more he saw the more he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard: Why can't we all be like wise old bird" I finished, hanging on the last note. The class burst into applause and I bowed and returned to my seat in the back row. "Thank you Abby, for once a normal diligent student" She said glaring at the troublemakers in the front row. I snorted at her un-true remark and everyone turned giving me a strange look. Normal my ass.All Rights Reserved