Every year, the top graduates of the Scientific Exploration Academy come back to school and work on a project, for as long as it'll take, that will benefit the school. Brilliant, older alumni are invited to participate as well, but their experiments focus more on giving back to society.
For years, the SEA has performed numerous experiements under the noses of innocent children, sometimes using a few for their safe tests (with consent from the parents and compensation, of course) and wiping the memories of it afterward.
So far, past scientists have provided the school with: helmets that effectively make learning more interesting and pleasing to the student, anti-cheating devices, and android teachers and kids. That's simply the tip of the iceberg.
But when an experiment goes haywire and threatens to wreak havoc on the educational institution right below their feet, they do all they can to shut down their hardwork and endless effort. Sadly, it wasn't enough.
Now, with no way to possibly contact the outside world due to the attempt to stop the scientists' work from escaping, the faculty and students take shelter at the bottom of the school that's crawling with the shape-shifting creations. Several concerned outsiders try to brave the newly infected building, but come out worse, or don't come out at all. Most insiders reside where they are, too afraid to move, while others plan to regain control of their own lives and try to save those around them.
Alyssa Sage, accompanied with some of her peers, is determined to find a way to get to the top floor, restore power to the dim hell hole and terminate all the creatures standing in her way, ultimately saving not only humanity from the ghastly clutches of the copycats, but saving the people she's seen almost daily for about 10 months of the year.
نشا في شوارع وحيد بين الطراقات لا ام تحن عليه و لاب يخاف عليه و لاعائله ك باقي الاطفال مختلف بكثير من النواح ي عن من بعمره صامت اوه و كم أن الصمت له دور كبير بحياته يسمعهم و يسمع همساتهم لكن هل يستطيع الرد عليهم لا كان الصمت يجعله هادئ
سكن مع عائله أبيه على أنه خادم اي بستماي و يعمل اعمل كهذه كي يبقى بمكان يؤيه في المنزل الكبير جديه و أعمامه
أما أبيه فهو سيعود إلى منزل عائلته بعد سنين و سيكون هذا اول لقاء له مع أبيه الذي سمع عنه و رآه فقط من خلف شاشه التلفاز
لنرى لقائهما و كيف سيكون