Lying can be a bitch. Just ask Alison, Aria, Emily, Harry, Hanna, Liam, Louis, Niall, Spencer, and Zayn.
In the small perfect town of Rosewood, not everything is as it seems. Beyond the Georgian style houses, and the beautiful green trees, is the deepest, darkest secrets. One year ago, Alison DiLaurentis, the Queen of Rosewood, and leader of the group, went missing. Her disappearance shocked the town. But underneath the concerned faces, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Alison knew how to drive you crazy. She learned your worst secrets, and held them over your head like a mouse over a cat. Now that Ali is gone, their secrets are safe.
But now someone else knows. One by one, each member of the group gets messages by the alias 'A'. 'A' watches their every move, spills their dirt, and threatens them.
How will these Pretty Little Liars survive?
Credit goes to writers and producers of Pretty Little Liars, and One Direction, for giving me something to love and adore.