This book was only created because I tend to dish out offers to make book covers for people. Feel free to ask but don't expect me to make something completely mindblowing. I'm not a professional artist, just a weird teenager that adopts books. Book Title: 60-80bpm Author: TokitoAmaru Title: 1/5. There is nothing remotely intriguing about the title and I understand the "bpm" as a relation to how long the protagonist has to live, but it is quite dull. Cover: 1/5 The font looks as though you gave it no thought and you just decided to slap it against a picture of a woman that I presume is the main character. You shouldn't be showing your readers how she looks so quickly, so it exterminates any attempt of description and imagination. Summary: 2/5 It's not that bad. I actually like the bluntness of it, but it's dull. Chapter 1: 4/5 Love the introduction to the story. It's fresh, detailed and makes me want to read on to know more about our protagonist, just be careful of how much of her you're trying to give out in one go. Storyline: I adored the descriptions you gave, though I wanted more of the five senses. It seems like you focused too much on the people that you had little time for descriptive settings. The storyline so far (you haven't finished the book) is not bad, though it's not that exciting either and it was mostly your characters keeping me goingAll Rights Reserved