Track is cancer.
Everyone knows this, people only do track to stay in shape for XC season.
Ok, well at least Chanyeol and Baekhyun are firm believers in this statement. And they need every bit of practice they can get since they are both on JV.
Like the bottom of JV.
This season, their new goal is to clear 25 minutes for a 5K, but Baekhyun finds himself falling behind, (more so than usual) and is soon diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), a disease that causes your immune system to attack your own spinal cord, optic nerves and brain fibres, causing you to lose balance, vision, memory, cognition skills and most importantly, seconds in a race.
Baekhyun falls into a pit of despair as he slowly comes to terms with the fact that he might never race again. Sure he was never good at it, but it's the one thing that keeps him going anymore. (Other than his possibly gay, ADHD/OCD ridden, highly supportive, erratic best friend Chanyeol.)
"Chanyeol, I swear to god, I'm gonna be the fastest damn runner in Busan, no, fuck that, in Korea, no matter what some damn idiot with framed pieces of paper on their wall says, and I need you with me every step of the way."
XC = cross country
JV = junior varsity
PR = personal record