Natsuki Mizuro is a typical girl with a typical cat - a fat, lazy and selfish cat named Oji-sama(Prince). Until one day Natsuki is fooling around with Prince(who is AGAIN just sleeping in Natsuki's lap, doing nothing)playing she is the prince's servant, she kisses the cat's paw and hugs him. When she pulls away from the cat she screams and tries to push away THE COOL GUY WHO SUDDENLY APPEARED ON HER LAP! Natsuki tries to defend herself and the guy keeps avoiding her fist until Natsuki hits the guy with a typical slap on the face. The guy explains that he is prince Yuuki IV, who has being cursed by her sister for being too sinful(too many ladies) until he hears the three special words("I love you") from someone he truly loves. Natsuki and Yuuki set off on a journey to find the girl from Yuukis' past whom he can't forget, and they have to do it before some men in black suits take the prince away. (Note: The time period is a made up era it's kind of like medieval/Middle age just think of that while reading this also the picture is not mine ^^)