You never actually forget a face. Every face you've ever seen gets stored in your brain and catalogued for later use. They pop up everywhere: on the street, at the local pool, even in your dreams, and by extent, your nightmares. So all those evil creatures with the demonic faces and soulless, red eyes, you've seen them too, you just can't remember; you don't want to remember.
You block it out, cast it into the depths of your subconscience and play it off as some figment of your imagination. But some people know they're real. They trust what they see. Of course, those people are locked up in mental wards under careful watch while the world continues to unreal before them. They are taunted with the truth, yet seen as crazy and untrustable. Those people, are the ones like me.
Avery Dentilla is called certifiably insane by the public with her talk of monsters, demons, and the other mythic oddities that go bump in the night. After causing an incident that resulted in the severe injuring of her "evil physics teacher", Avery is shipped off to Brownstone Psychiatric Hospital, but when another boy shows up with the same prognosis, she and he must work together to prove they don't belong in Brownstone, and reveal the truth to the world. Having another person around who believes Avery is a dream come true, but how long until the dream turns into a nightmare, because when Avery's involved, they always do.