Danny Aura, a girl with many struggles when it comes to life. But after her mother's "Passing", Danny gets beat to a pulp on a daily basis by her father. Not only phsically but mentally. She continues to still live at home because her younger brother, Frankie, is still under custody. The only companion she has is her life long friend Ruben Moran, who has been there for her since day 1 but when danny finds out that Tai Deyes is her mate, She soon learns that what she thought to be true was all a lie. Mr. fuentes, a friend of her mother's, and his son, Josue, keep secrets from her, Secrets that not only involve her but effect her way of being. When she finds out these secrets that could change life as we know it, Will she stay and fight, or Die in the process.
For one, Chesterfield High is not normal but Jade Fey's life is beyond that.
Jade Fey is an orphaned, eighteen year old. She lost her parents at the age of 16 in a tragic "accident." Most people say they were in a car accident, other say they were kidnapped.
Jade has many secrets, some too deep to tell, she lives two different lives, one a high school student the other as a gang leader.
Easton Michael is the new kid in school and all he does is cause Jade even more problems. Including the part where he almost kills someone close to Jade.
What makes it worse is that each gang or clan that she goes up against has a secret. Each secret being that each member of their group is supernatural.