"Dirt Davis. I'm not kidding, that's my name."
"Dirt? Who names their child Dirt?"
"It's a long story, but long story short, I'm a Greaser."
The girl frowned, humming in thought. "You're that girl who fell in love with that greaser? Darrel, right?" Dirt nodded. "How long have you known him?"
"All my life. Ever since I was born. Our parents were friends." Dirt explained, sipping her beer as she looked over at her boyfriend seeming ready to fight some soc. Dirt pointed to the soc in front of Darrel, his face red from what she guessed was anger and alcohol. "That one yours?"
The red haired girl sighed, rubbing her temple. Dirt's expression softened before she whistled to Darrel. He made eye contact with her, Dallas managing to keep the Soc back while he looked at her.
Dirt made a signal to not fight the guy, shaking her head as the red haired girl ordered a drink. Darrel didn't seem happy about it, but he didn't argue before giving the Soc a glare before grabbing the back of Dallas's collar and dragging him off, the Soc's stumbling away.
"You didn't have to do that." The girl said, sipping her rum and coke she had ordered. Dirt shrugged. "Anyways, what's your name, suga'?" Dirt asked. The girl smiled. "Cherry."
"So we both got interesting names. Sweet." Dirt said. "Cherry! Let's go!" The drunk Soc from earlier called. "You don't have to go with him, ya know?" Dirt said as she got up, leaving a small tip for the bartender. She sighed but forced a smile. "He's my ride home." She whispered, both of them laughing.
"I see. Well, if you ever need anything Cherry Coke, you're always welcome to the greasers." Dirt said, swallowing the last bit of her Coke and whiskey before setting it on the bar for the bartender to take. Cherry smiled before turning and walking out, not knowing the path that waited for them.
Steve may not be willing to accept the feelings he's been hiding for years. Soda may not be able to come to terms with the news about Sandy. Two-bit may know more than he should. And a very sick feeling and one bitch of a sunburn might just bring all of it to light.
(Stevepop- angst, fluff, really little light smut)