*Startup complete loading files now ... Files complete initiating wake up procedure ...* "Look at er'. Perfection" Words. The first I would ever hear. I had no idea what they meant. Sounds filled my audio sensors. The whirling and whizzing of fans. I fluttered my retinal scanners before finally opening them. This is it. My first look at the word. I began downloading pictures, images, of what I would see. Green grass, birch wood trees, the birth magenta and violet flowers reaching for the sunlight, hoping for just a touch. When the bright light had subdued to my disappointed it was nothing as expected. A steel ceiling I stared at. Boring. Plain. Where was my bright blue sky? One filled with clouds so fluffy that if one could pick off a piece it'd stick to your hands like cotton candy. "Where am I?" Words. The first I would ever speak.All Rights Reserved