20 parts Ongoing Mature"All My Life" follows Niall Horan, a former One Direction member, and his longtime girlfriend, Marissa. Niall splits his time between London and Los Angeles, while Marissa is from a small town near Seattle.
They meet in 2017 through mutual friends Elena and Harry, who set them up after Marissa's bad breakup with Austin. Niall falls for Marissa instantly, but their relationship faces challenges due to his fame. To protect Marissa from media scrutiny, they hire Lauren to pose as his girlfriend in public, which creates tension and jealousy.
As Niall's career demands more of his time, their relationship strains, leading to frequent arguments. A particularly harsh argument results in Marissa filing for divorce and leaving for Seattle.
A year later, despite not speaking, they secretly keep tabs on each other. Marissa is hurt by a photo of Niall and Lauren, misunderstanding the situation. And when Niall learns about Marissa's engagement through Elena, he realizes he can't let her go through with it and calls her, begging her to come back.
"All My Life" is a story of love, sacrifice, and the challenges of balancing a relationship with fame. The biggest question: Will Marissa get back on a plane to go back to Niall, or is it truly over?