PINK X BATTERIES PROLOUGE Having love for batteries is a strange thing. Loving dead people and animals are pretty freakin weird but loving batteries were pinks little pleasure. "PINK X BATTERIES" "MY LIFE IS LIKE PINKS BATTERIES" her online friends joked constantly about her batteries, what they didn't think was that all the times she got flustered by the topic she actually took a liking to her batteries. "They wouldn't support us!" she cried out to her non actually living lover. "I love you! But this isn't healthy" sighing she sat down on the edge of her bed. "Hiding ourselves like this isn't healthy..." SKORA PROLOUGE - Flustered Skye looked down as her friends teased her about how awesome her and Sora would be together. "If anything he's a annoying brother!" Stomping off she sat down at a nearby bench. "It's to embarrassing!" She squealed at the thought covering her hands with her tomoato red face. GWAGE PROLOGUE - "Holy chicken shits you two are tooooooo Adorable not to ship together!" Squealed Gwyns spasmstic friend Naomi. The pair looked down flushed with a bright red. "It nothing like that!" Squeaked out the ever so shy Mage, "It's... Its just that I..." He face scrunched up as she looked for the right words. Gwyn looked down in anticipation to hear her say those sacred words. Those sacred words he would never allow himself to believe but in that moment he didn't care for the past or the future only the present. The present was Him and Mage.All Rights Reserved