There is a lot that we look back on that we wished we could do over. Some of us had advice that we followed while some of us did not. As many of my readers know, I've kept a journal since 1989. As I've gotten older and became a mother myself, I wanted to reflect upon my life and how I lived it. I'm transcribing 'letters' from my former self from those journals. I'm going to tell that sad silly girl that it will be okay; that she's gone through far worse in her future (my past) and she came out of it. This project is more of an 'If I knew then what I know now...' and perhaps some advice that I could give to myself had I the opportunity to talk some sense into me. I'm even transcribing my atrocious spelling errors and grammatical mistakes from those years. I've grown so very much since then. I continue to grow.
Once, I had sworn I'd never let anyone read my journals. They remained buried among dusty boxes from move to move. In some way I want to preserve them, in other ways I just think its just time. Although this project is more for myself, I welcome anyone to read and take a trip with me down memory lane. Some of it is funny, some of it is heartbreaking but you never can truly walk down the same path as another.
The cover image is a photograph I took of my journals They're real. So am I and so is this.