Harrison Bergeron, a feared and wanted criminal throughout his nation has escaped prison. His beliefs are quite different from this disutopian society that believes equality in every which way. A nice thought isnt it? Well this society isnt so nice and takes the 'Equality in every which way' on a whole other level. Anyone above or below average are handicapped and labeled as 'disabled' as its known that average is the new 'perfect'. Harrison, who is labeled as disabled due to his above average intellegence and strength rebels and plans to over throw his government to break the chains that they have created for his nation. One night at a bellet recital starred by handicapped ballet dancers, have been crashed by this criminal in order to spark his plan into action but along the way meets a ballerina that has claimed him as hers and hers alone. Will this ballerina tame this rebel and persuade him to live as everyone else or will she fight along side her mate in this erupting civil war? Read in the perspective of this ballerina to find out your answer...All Rights Reserved