Because of my name the charges held against me were a believable lie, what strengthened the deception was that I even owned a ship complete with a crew, why would the Assassin's question it?
Why would the Judges? They didn't care as long as they heard someone's neck snap as they fell from the wooden stage with a hang mans noose wrapped around they're neck.
To be fair the Assassin's didn't know the Templars were behind it all, or that one of they're own had sold me to the enemy out of fury.
But on that same coin, wasn't it a little questionable that the ship that I sailed like my father before me, was set aflame with all of my crew, save one, on it?
Didn't everyone know that a captain's ship meant everything to its captain?
Why would I, the captain, set fire to my most prized possession, the only thing I had left of my deceased father?
Why would I murder my crew?
I am now a fugitive captain of two years now with a new ship with a new crew made up of the most vicious men I could find. I am no longer the noble assassin who gave mercy to those who pleaded it, my once soft eyes were now hardened with the promise of gold and revenge, I lusted for the taste of the salty sea mixed with thick blood, I no longer cared for good morals, I became who I wanted and took what I liked.
If I was to be named a pirate by all who once stood by me then I would act like one.
I am Captain Shay Sparrow, owner of the Broken Crown and this is my story.