Janisha Howard the at home hairstylist has her plate full with her baby boy johnson and her noisy but cute pup she calls versace.love is not on her schedule anytime soon. she know she's Beautiful & smart but why is her BF Al a walking romance novel I mean life is more than love...well to be truthful love is all around and of course she understand love is very important in all areas of life. do Al have to dangle tall,handsome itelligent,so called saved in front of her face so soon. for goodness sake she is trying to expand her business from home to public.the brother is so persistent to meet her in a dear way but she's not lonely but would another nite of junkfood & late nite chic flixs and her bf over bearing advice,and the good looking guy sweet ways trigger her to finally break down and let cupid's arrow shoot her right in the heart or will she diss him with kindness?