IMPORTANT NOTICE, PLEASE READ!: Though this story will remain up, it is not a polished product I'm all too proud of. Someday, some of the book's aspects may change; plot, some characters, etc. Think of this like a first draft, and I'm working on the not-first-draft. :D)
Thank you so much for bearing with me, and I hope you enjoy I Am Not A Robot as it is, and as it will be!
Bolts. The new-age phrase for robots. You may think that robots that can think for themselves is a bad idea. Well, so does the Government. Nobody knows the exact year. Or how long robots have been banned on punishment of death.
All anybody knows is smoke, acid rain, and metal. And nobody thinks anything of it. Robots with minds as alive as yours being murdered in the slowest way possible? Normal.There are no uprisings. There are no rebellions.
As far as everyday people go, the world is perfectly fine. As long as there are no robots.
Because if there are, it's a kangaroo court on their fate.
Aaran Sozos has spent the majority of her young life accused of being a robot. And as I'm sure you're aware, reader, if people call you something enough, you start to believe it. But when a classmate calls upon her help to find a missing brother, they need to search outside of the city.
A city that is suspended above the earth. That is inhabited by robots.
All I can tell you now is that they're doing a better job of keeping the mother nature happy than we ever could.
But keep in mind, mother nature doesn't mind murder, either.
"No one knows where the Potentials are taken. If the prisoners resist, they turn up dead the very next day. They call it Project Frostbite."
"Are all dead."
For over 6 months now, bodies have been turning up on the streets of New York. No one knows the cause of death, with the bodies unharmed, barring a single needle prick in the base of the victim's neck. Old or young, big or small; it didn't matter. No evidence of the killers, nothing.
Tryston Waters lived a relatively good life. Granted he had an overprotective ex-military father and a policewoman for a mother, but still, he thought he was just a normal 19yr old boy with a normal job and normal life. But one day, when he reveals a powerful secret he didn't even know he harbored, Tryston's life will turn upside down. In 48 hours, he's dodging bullets, avoiding spies, and teaming up with a snarky assassin who doesn't know how to socialize.
Firestorm was enjoying her time in New York. She was making big bucks in her "cleaning" business, and was having a blast fighting off the CEO's bodyguards who thought she was just a defenseless teenager. She doesn't have time to babysit an amateur pyrotechnic who is being chased by the very people she was running from.
Tryston has no idea who is after him or why, and Firestorm seems to hold the answers. But just how close is she to Project Frostbite?
After all, the enemy of your enemy is your friend. All in the name of war.