This isn't an ordinary love story you see in the movies or read in other books. This is a sad one, and perhaps a devastating one. But that's what makes the good and juicy stories right? I'm not going to reveal my name, because what good would bring that? But this one is a never forgetting one, one that I'll wake up to everyday. One that I'll cry myself to. One that I will never thinking about. And if you know who you are, and if your reading this...You never did anything, my mistake was talking to you.
"I like you, Mizuku."
It was just a short sentece. What was I afraid of again?
My world which seemed so huge before, was it always this small? How can a single incident change that day so much?
It looked so pretty but it was actually rotten already. My world world which looked so colorful before, was it always this plain?
Wait... Who am I..?