A story taking place in a conservative village of Pakistan. In Pakistan a lot of sectarian differences take place. If you all know or not, Pakistan is a muslim state with majority of its population Sunni. 80% of Muslims in Pak. are Sunnis where as 20-30% are Shias.
The conflict in between the sects , is going on for years. Shia genocide is real . The anti-shias are agaist the living of Shias.They do what ever the hell it takes to make the Shia community not breathe, and that's obviously by killing them.
Don't believe me, Search about it. Here are a few keywords for your search: Parachinar, Quetta , Etc .
Anyways, In such a society. What happens when a Sunni girl falls in love with a Shia boy, Let it be a one -sided love. Let the boy not be aware of what emotions, she has for him. I mean, It's still love. One -sided, Two-sided or Three -sided (if that exists) But, what will happen?
Roll your imaginations. You'll never expect such an ending
Inspired by real incidents .
In the memory of a friend
Salam .
Zain Ali .