A book that will surely bring a broad smile on your beautiful face.😊
Are you depressed or bored? Are you tired of the nine-to-five rat race and just having to deal with the mean-spirited people in our hateful, evil world? Then lighten up! Bring a little humor into your life. Humor enhances the soul, reduces depression, and makes life a little more enjoyable. We all need that!
Ever notice how a person who is always serious is always boring? You will enjoy life more if you will look for the humor in things.
Here are some examples of how you can add humor to your everyday life:
If someone asks me what I am up to, I will reply "Six foot even."
If I'm asked, "What's up?," I'll reply "The ceiling."
If they ask me what's new, I'll say "New York, New Jersey, New Mexico and pneumonia."
If I'm driving down the road and asked what did that last sign say, I'll say, "Nothing, since signs don't have vocal cords."
I have lots more like these, but I'm sure you get the idea. I get a lot of eye rolls, but I get a lot of chuckles too.
Read this book the first time just for laughs. You'll get plenty. Then read it again to develop a more humorous mind-set.
I wrote this book to bring more happiness into the world, so in addition to the jokes and riddles, I've included a section on wisdom, that I believe will also make your life happier, if you read it, study it, and take it to heart.
Note that the author's selections for the best and funniest jokes and riddles are displayed in bold text.
Funny jokes
Happy ones.
From ecstatic one liners
Pleasant ones.
I don't own everything written in there.
I have taken some from internet and some I have written.
From Cheesy punches
Hysterical ones.
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